web.config settings
Simply managing the capabilities of Smart Table Editor
Smart Table Editor configuration is very simple, once you have downloaded the files, they should be enabled within IIS and after you need to amend the web.config file. Below are listed all the main parameters in the web.config and what they mean. Descriptions of singles keys are stated in blue.

Database Connection Settings
<add key="ConnType" value="ACCESS"/>
<add key="DBPath" value="mdb-database/nwind.accdb"/>
<!-- Main database Path-->
<!--<add key="ConnType" value="SQL" />
<add key="ServerName" value=".\SERVERNAME"/>
<add key="DBUser" value="sa" />
<add key="DBPass" value="password" />
<add key="DBName" value="FolderName" />-->
TSE settings
<add key="AppDescription" value="TSE"/>
<!--Indicates application's title description.-->
<add key="AppImage" value="tse.png"/>
<!--Indicates application's image. Start Folder: images/icons/image_name.jpg|.jpeg|.png|.gif-->
<add key="Login" value="1"/>
<!--Values 0 or 1. Allow Access to be granted only after Login. If set to 1 it needs 'Login' and 'Account' Default tables into database.-->
<add key="SuperUser" value="admin"/>
<add key="SuperUserPassword" value="admin"/>
<!--Set Secrets SuperUser and Password to log in and Access to All Software without any restriction-->
<add key="LostLoginPanel" value="Password Lost?;Click here"/>
<!--Enables the recovery access data function. Values must be stated in this sequence: Description Text;Click Here Text-->
<add key="LoginBookmarkLink" value="Add this page to favorites,"/>
<!--Enables Bookmark link to Login page. Values must be stated in this sequence: Bookmark Description,icon (optional: start folder: images/icons/image_name.jpg|.jpeg|.png|.gif).-->
<add key="LoginInfoXml" value="InfoLogin.xml,0"/>
<!--Sets the path of the XML file to retrieve the login information. Path options:
1) url path,1
2) local path,0-->
<add key="DefaultHomeLink" value="WelcomePage"/>
<!--Default link after login and for Home Button. Use "WelcomePage" to link at customizable web control page named WelcomePage.ascx-->
<add key="DefaultWelcomeImage" value="IMG-Welcome-TSE.png"/>
<!--Set the Welcome image name when DefaultHomeLink key is "WelcomePage". Start Folder: public/WelcomePage/image_name.jpg|.jpeg|.png|.gif-->
<add key="ViewQuery" value="0"/>
<!--Values 0 or 1. If 1, Visualize the Grid query in all tables-->
<add key="PositionOfApplicationNameInUrl" value="1"/>
<!--Indicates the position of the application name in the url. 0:Domain name, 1:First folder, 2:Second Folder ...-->
Menù settings
<add key="TabMenuVoices" value="[email protected],Customers,Employees,Products,Shippers,Suppliers,Categories;[email protected],Orders,OrderDetails;[email protected],TSEUsers,TSEUsersProfiles,TSESettings_MY##index.aspx?name=TSESettings&mode=0&tab=tabs-20"/>
<!--Insert values separated by ",".
If TabMenuVoices value is "" shows all database tables in one tab.
First value is the tab title: Add an icon next to the name of the tab by adding "@" after the tab name followed by the image_name.jpg|.jpeg|.png|.gif (default folder is images/icons/).
Others values are the database table names until the ";". Please note that table names into database must be without spaces or special characters included '_' (underscore).
At this moment one field Name in the table must not start with then name of IdField of the same table, We're working to improvements and remove this limitation.
Use ## characters after tab voice name to open custom link: latest character must be 0 (_self window open) or 1 (_blank window open).
It's possible to create links to tables filtered by WHERE String clause and ordered by ORDERB BY String. Character '&' must be replaced form & # must be replaced by %23. Here a sample: MyTab##index.aspx?name=MyTab&mode=0&tab=tabs-1&StrWhere=MyTab.Title like '%a%'&StrOrderBy=MyTab.Title DESC0;-->
<add key="HideMenuVoice" value=""/>
<!-- Hide A voice in menu. Insert table names separated by ",". Only works if TabMenuVoices is null.-->
<add key="FormFieldDescription" value="TSESettings,LoginRecoveryEmailBody,Enter the words 'admin' and 'password' in square brackets <br>to automatically retrieve credentials in Login Recovery Email;TSESettings,Template,Edit Table Smart Editor Layout;TSESettings,FieldDefaultValue,Insert TableName%%FieldName%%Default Value%%newonly/always%%%<br>(newonly set the value only on new records);TSEUsers,ProfileID,Set the profile with custom permissions;TSEUsersProfiles,HideMenuVoice,Hide Menu Voices for this profile (Separate multiple entries with a comma);TSEUsersProfiles,HideTableField,Hide Table fields in this profile (Set TableName.FieldName Separated with comma);TSEUsersProfiles,HideMainMenu,Hide Menu Group (Separate multiple entries with a comma);TSEUsersProfiles,DisableEdit,Disable Editing records of the Table (Separate multiple entries with a comma);TSEUsersProfiles,DisableNew,Disable Inserting new records in Table (Separate multiple entries with a comma);TSEUsersProfiles,DisableDelete,Disable Deleting records of the Table (Separate multiple entries with a comma);TSESettings,LoginPageImg,Size 475×340px;"/>
<!--Label description for fields. Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments. Values must be stated in this sequence: :TableName, fieldname,labeltext;TableName2,fieldname2,labeltext2. <br> tag must be written as <br> Comma (,) char must be written as %% and Semicolon (;) must be written as %%%
To insert links in description, write text like this [http://link|target|description text]. target must be _blank or _self.-->
<add key="PageDescription" value="TSEUsers|Set administration rights;TSESettings|Customize the software editing default settings"/>
<!-- Insert a description Label in page's header.
To insert links in description, write text like this [http://link@target@description text]. target must be _blank or _self.
Use '\n' for wrapping the text-->
Table Relations
<add key="InsertTabRelation" value="Orders,CustomerID,Customers,CustomerID,CompanyName;Orders,EmployeeID,Employees,EmployeeID,LastName,Employees.Country='UK';Orders,ShipVia,Shippers,ShipperID,CompanyName;Products,SupplierID,Suppliers,SupplierID,CompanyName;Products,CategoryID,Categories,CategoryID,CategoryName;TSEUsers,ProfileID,TSEUsersProfiles,TSEUsersProfilesID,ProfileName"/>
<!--Connect a table field with values from anothes table for input. Primary Key fields must be numeric.
Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments.
Values must be stated in this sequence: Table,IdTable,TabChild,IdChild,DescChild,Optional value as below:
1) Optional [TableFormField]. Value is taken from the field of the form stated.
2) Optional TabChild.Field='string' or TabChild.Field=number
3) To retrieve multiple values from TableChild and put them into fields contained in Table, values must be stated in this sequence: Table,IdTable,TabChild,IdChild,DescChild,Field1Table,Field1TableChild,Field2Table,Field2TableChild,...,FieldNTable,FieldNTableChild. If the TabChild Field is an InsertTabRelation-Type and you want to retrieve the ID and the Description of joined table use (@FieldTableChild)-->
<add key="ReplaceIdRelation" value="1"/>
<!--Values 0 or 1. If 1, replaces id field value with text field description defined by InsertTabRelation-->
<add key="DetailTable" value="Orders,OrderID,OrderDetails,OrderID,Order Rows Edited"/>
<!--Values must be stated in this sequence: MasterTable, IdMasterTable, DetailTable, IdDetailTable,Detail Table caption (optional). Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments.
Insert a Detail SubTable of the master table in Record EditMode.
Please note that the Detail Table ID Field must have the same name of the Master Table ID Field.
This key require DefaultFieldValue key to be set. DefaultFieldValue must be set in this way: DetailTable,ForeignKeyMasterTableField,[IDMasterTable],newonly.-->
<add key="DeleteChildrenRecords" value="Orders,OrderID,OrderDetails.OrderID"/>
<!--Delete records from Children table if the parent record is deleted. Use ";" to separete parents. Please note that this option function only if the corresponding DetailTable is set in DetailTable Key. Values must be stated in this sequence:ParentTable, IdParentTable, ChildTable.IdParentChildTable, ChildTable2.IdParentChildTable-->
<add key="ViewFieldsFromOtherTable" value="Orders,Customers,CustomerID,CustomerID,ContactName"/>
<!--Enable visualization of fields from another table left joined. Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments.
Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName,TableToJoin,IDFieldForJoin,IDFieldForJoin of TableToJoin, Fields to show from TableToJoin separated by ","-->
<add key="ViewFieldsOtherTableinDetail" value="1"/>
<!--Enable visualization of fields from other Table in Detail Tables. Set 1 or 0.-->
<add key="SubTableFromParameter" value=""/>
<!-- Create different links to a table in tab menu depending on a parameter field from another table.
New record in table will be added with the default parameter.
Values must be stated in this sequence: TabMenuNumber,Table,IdField,ParameterTable,ParameterIdField,ParameterDescrField,[Optional OR, default is AND] StrWhereOnTable[leave blank if don't needed],StrOrderByOnTable[leave blank if don't needed],StrWhereOnParameterTable[leave blank if don't needed].
Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments.-->
Hide and Disable Fields
<add key="HideTableField" value="Suppliers,Fax;TSESettings,LoginPageImg"/>
<!--Hide fields stated here in table view. Do not insert fields stated in InsertTabRelation. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName,fieldname1,fieldname2...;TableName2,fieldname1,fieldname2...-->
<add key="HideFormField" value="TSESettings,LoginRecoveryEmailFooterImg;TSESettings,LoginPageImg"/>
<!--Hide a form fields with the name inserted. Do not insert fields stated in InsertTabRelation. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName,fieldname1,fieldname2...;TableName2,fieldname1,fieldname2...-->
<add key="HideFieldEndingWith" value="Region"/>
<!--Insert fields Name separated by ",". Hide fields (Table and Form view) from all tables ending with the string inserted. Do not insert fields stated in InsertTabRelation.-->
<add key="HideFormFieldWithClass" value="Customers,Fax"/>
<!--Hide all form fields with the names inserted. Fields are hidden with "hide" class. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName,fieldname1,fieldname2,...,fieldnameN;...;TableNameN,fieldname1,fieldname2...,fieldnameN-->
<add key="ShowID" value="Products"/>
<!--View primary key in table and form view. Values must be stated in this sequence: Table1,Table2,Table3-->
<add key="DisabledField" value="Orders,ShipCity"/>
<!--Disable table fields inserted in Form View. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName,fieldname1,fieldname2...;TableName2,fieldname1,fieldname2...-->
<add key="DisableEditorTextArea" value="TSESettings,FieldDefaultValue;"/>
<!--Hide Tiny HTML text Editor of the indicated fields and shows a default textbox for input. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName,fieldname1,fieldname2...;TableName2,fieldname1,fieldname2...-->
Buttons and links
<add key="HideAddNewButton" value="TSESettings;"/>
<!--hide new button. Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments:TableName;TableName2 -->
<add key="HideDeleteButtonGrid" value="TSESettings;TSEUsers"/>
<!--hide delete button in grid view. Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments:TableName;TableName2 -->
<add key="HideEditButtonGrid" value=""/>
<!--hide edit button in grid view. Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments:TableName;TableName2 -->
<add key="CustomLinkForm" value=""/>
<!--Link the new, edit and delete buttons with a link that open a custom file. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName,customfileToOpen;TableName2,customfileToOpen2;...-->
<add key="HeaderLinks" value="Products,Compare Products on Amazon,ui-icon-tag,http://www.amazon.com,_blank"/>
<!--Insert custom link in a table. Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName,CaptionLink,JQuery UI-icon class,Link,Target (_blank,_self). -->
<add key="HeaderLinksRight" value="*,Help,http://www.tablesmarteditor.com,ui-icon-help"/>
<!--Show custom links on top-right. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName, LinkName, Path of the link,JqueryUI icon span class
- Use '*' instead of TableName to show the link in all the tables
- Use 'Home' If you want to display the link on the home page
- Use @@@ in the Path of the link to retrieve the folder name or domain name set in 'PositionOfApplicationNameInUrl'
TO REMEMBER: Links are shown only if Login key is set to 1-->
<add key="ExecuteQueryButton" value=""/>
<!--Insert custom link button that execute query on the table. Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName, Linktext, UI-icon class,query; -->
<add key="CustomRowLink" value="Customers,Company Google Search,ui-icon-search,http://www.google.com/search?q=[CompanyName],_blank,,"/>
<!--Insert a column with custom link. Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName,Caption title,Jquery-UI image class,Link to open,Target (_blank,_self or frame),width-frame,height-frame; Character & must be replaced form & # must be replaced by %23. Use \' instead of ' for frame in strWhere. Use [tablefield] to take a value from a field in the 'TableName'. Use NoHeader=1 to hide header-->
<add key="CustomRowLinkHeaderText" value="Customers,Web Search"/>
<!--Show a custom Header Name for the column with CustomRowLink. Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName, HeaderTextName;-->
Set Field Values
<add key="DefaultFieldValue" value="OrderDetails,OrderID,[OrderID],newonly"/>
<!--Set a default value for a field in editing or adding record. Insert @date for set the today date. Insert Value into [] to take a value from strWhere Querystring. Not available for memo or bit field types. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName,TableField,Value,Parameter always or newonly. newonly parameter allow the value to be insert only for adding record.-->
<add key="DefaultFieldChecked" value="Products,NewProduct,newonly"/>
<!--Set a Default checked value for a bit field in editing or adding record. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName,TableField,Parameter always or newonly. newonly parameter allow the the value to be set only for adding record.-->
<add key="DefaultFieldList" value="Categories,Label,Cloud,Sky,Sun,Moon"/>
<!--Create a default ListBox for input in form view of database field with customs items listed in this key.
Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName, FieldName, ListValue1,ListValue2... First Value is the default value on new. Inserting an empty value at first value (,,) allow to accept null values in dropdownlist-->
<add key="ColorPickerField" value="Categories,CategoryColor"/>
<!-- Insert Color Picker selector for fields. Values must be stated in this sequence: Table,Fields separated by ",". Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments. -->
<add key="FieldUploadFile" value="ParametriAzienda,LogoAzienda,public/ImgAzienda/,0,180,60;TSESettings,LoginPageImg,public/LoginPage/,0,180,60;TSESettings,LoginRecoveryEmailHeaderImg,public/SettingsImg/,0,180,60;TSESettings,LoginRecoveryEmailFooterImg,public/SettingsImg/,0,180,60"/>
<!--Insert button for upload file. Values must be stated in this sequence: Table,Field,PathToSaveFile,MaxSize(in bytes -> 100KB = 100000. Leave 0 for no size),thumb width in form view,thumb height in form view.
Replace Field with {FormFieldName} to get a value from a form field. Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments. -->
<add key="FieldCreateFolderUploadFile" value=""/>
<!--Insert fields Name separated by ",". Insert button for create Folder and upload file.Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments.Values must be stated in this sequence: Table,Field,PathToSaveFile,MaxSize(in bytes -> 100KB = 100000. Leave 0 for no size)-->
<add key="OperationWithFields" value=""/>
<!--Set the automatic sum of the fields indicated. Values must be stated in this sequence: Table, FieldTotal,FieldToSum1,FieldToSum2,..-->
<add key="FieldsValidators" value="Email,RegexEMAIL;"/>
<!--Insert a validator for the indicated fields. Values must be stated in this sequence: Field1,Field2,...,RegularExpressionName; (values available:RegexEMAIL,RegexCODICEFISCALE)-->
<add key="QrCode" value="Products,QrCode,https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr&chs=90&chl=https://www.google.it/search?q=[ProductName]"/>
<!--Create a QCode image. Values must be stated in this sequence: Table,QrCodeFieldname,link?id=[TablePrimaryKeyFieldName];...Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments. Character '&' must be replaced by '&'/>-->
Table view settings
<add key="ViewThumbImage" value="ParametriAzienda,LogoAzienda,public/ImgAzienda/,120,40;TSESettings,LoginPageImg,public/LoginPage/,120,40"/>
<!--Insert fields Name separated by ",". Allow to view thumbnail Image in grid view. Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments.Values must be stated in this sequence: Table,Field,ImagesPath,thumb width in grid view,thumb height in grid view. Use [loadedtablefield] to take a relative path from a field in the table loaded-->
<add key="ShowFilterList" value="Customers,Country"/>
<!--Show a combo in Table header fields for data filter. Values must be stated in this sequence:
- If the field is in the schema of the table: TableName,fieldname1,fieldname2,...;TablesName2,fieldname1,fieldname2,...;
- If the field to Filter comes from an InsertTabRelation or ViewFieldFromOtherTable insert: TableName,fieldname shown in table[Source OtherTableName.FieldDescription Name##IDFieldName of Other table],...;
TO REMEMBER: If OtherTableName is used more then one time in record selection (more join with the same table) set OtherTableName as OtherTableName2, OtherTableName3,...-->
Other features
<add key="FieldsWithJS" value=""/>
<!--Calls a Javascript function after the 'onchange' event of the specified field. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName,FieldName,Javascript FileName (without .js extension; starting folder 'js'),FunctionName(). Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments.-->
<add key="JSFunctionOnDelete" value=""/>
<!--Calls a Javascript function contained in js/Funzioni.js when Delete Link is clicked. Values must be stated in this sequence: TableName1|FunctionName1();...;TableNameN|FunctionNameN(). Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments.-->
Language and Captions
<add key="Language" value="en-US"/>
<!--.NET Custom localization culture. Use your own to view customized fields format-->
<add key="tinymce-language" value="en"/>
<!--Changes the TyniMCE and Date Picker calendar language. Available only 'en' and 'it' in this installation. Download other languages files if needed-->
<add key="SetDecimalSeparator" value="0"/>
<!--Use 1 for decimal separator if Access Database Language is en-US. Use 0 for decimal separator if Access Database Language is it-IT.-->
<add key="TabsFormDati" value="Orders,$Shipping,ShippedDate,ShipVia,Freight,ShipName,ShipAddress,ShipCity,ShipRegion,ShipPostalCode,ShipCountry"/>
<!--Group fields in Tabs. Values must be stated in this sequence: Table,$LabelTab1,Field1,Field2,$LabelTab2,Field3;...Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments. />-->
<add key="RenameLabelsFields" value="Customers,ContactTitle,Renamed from WebConfig"/>
<!--Rename the name of a field in the form data. Values must be stated in this sequence: Table1,Field1,Label1,Field2,Label2,...,FieldN,LabelN;Table2,Field1,Label1,Field2,Label2,...,FieldN,LabelN...Use Separator ";" for multiple assignments.-->